July 28, 2011

peace cake

Happy Bday for my dad!! (after a delay of two days sorry...)

July 27, 2011

finished 3

Princess Bacca × fiorato. "Bag" ¥12,000
thank you for orders! I was able to do so good work : )♩

July 25, 2011

finished 2

Princess Bacca × fiorato. "Key ring" ¥3,000 I send them to somewhere! 36 Baccas!!!!! all handmade♩

July 23, 2011

July 18, 2011

who's that?

for M. Adults ate though they were the desserts of the special child's lunch ; ) sorry M.


room keys, wedding place, foreign books, and cute handrail.


looks fine!

Fujiya Hotel♥

Japanese a long-established hotel.

July 17, 2011

sunset with Mt.Fuji

Bye bye sun see you tomorrow!

beach in Hayama


the cat saw me...

meow meow

café vivement dimanche

I ordered ice cafe au lait. The shape of ice cube(taste is black coffee, Its bitter! ) was a coffee beans! Because I was able to drink around 3 cups in 1 order, it's advantageous. : ) Great sunday(dimanche)!!

Little trip to Kamakura

in Enoshima

July 05, 2011